Monitoring and assessment is planned annually and budgeted for. Monitoring activities include commercial operations and environmental issues.
Commercial operations
A 100% Forest inventory is carried out annually, one year prior to a block being harvested. Predicted and actual cuts are recorded. Every tree cut is given a unique number and the dimensions and volume each portion of the tree is recorded on the tally sheets.
From this data it is possible to determine the exact number of trees cut per species, their location (each tree has coordinates), and the total volume cut.
Levas Flor also has 30 active Permanent Sample Plots (PSPs) in protected areas and commercial areas where growth and recruitment is monitored on an annual basis.
Costs and productivity are routinely monitored, and post-harvest monitoring is ongoing.
Environmental matters
Illegal activities such as tree cutting, poaching and snaring is monitored on an ongoing basis by a team of 11 Rangers (Fiscais). These rangers are also responsible for monitoring any off take of non-timber products and for fire surveillance.
Animal distribution and movement is monitored by recording of sightings and by camera traps strategically placed and moved around the concession. The PSPs in the protected areas record and monitor all plant species, not just trees.