We have a number of different species readily available for commercialization on the concession. Some of them naturally occur in smaller quantities, and are spread out in different management blocks of the concession.

According to our sustainable practices we only harvest in one block per year, to allow the forest to recover properly. This means that our species availability varies a bit over time.

Our commercialized species are listed below; contact us for the current availability

Pod mahogany, chanfuta, doussie

Botanical name: Afzelia quansensis

Sapwood: Pale of white to white, varying in width but generally quite narrow.

Heartwood: pinkish brown when freshly sawn, oxidising rapidly after conversion to a deep reddish brown. Pockets, spots or streaks of calcium are often seen.
Timber uses: furniture, cabinetry, boatbuilding, docks, carpentry, carving, inlay, veneer, flooring, joinery, panelling and turning.
Other features: hard heartwood and resistant to borer and fungi attack.

Banga wanga, Scotsman’s rattle

Amblygonocarpus andongensis 

Sapwood: narrow, grey white. 

Heartwood: uniform dark red brown. 

Timber uses: cabinet making, carpentry, carving, decking, parquet flooring, joinery, railway sleepers, turning. 

Other features: extremely resistant to fungi and borer attacks; unaffected by acids and chemicals.

Msasa, zebrawood,

Brachystegia spiciformis  

Sapwood: Off . 

Heartwood: Uniform red brown, clearly defined. 

Timber uses: sleepers, cabinetry, boxes, crates, carpentry, cart making, flooring, joinery, scaffolding, furniture, construction, door frames, canoes, joinery, interior trim, mine props, vehicle bodies, food containers, veneer, plywood and pulp for paper, utensils and beehives; bark fibre used for ropes; agricultural implements. 

Other features: Highly resistant heartwood from fungi and borer attack. The bark is astringent, containing 13% tannin and an extract is used in Africa as a final dressing in tanning hides, it imparts a reddish colour to the finished product.

Kiaat, Muninga, Mwkua, Umbila

 Pterocarpus angolensis  

Sapwood: Off white with large contrast to heartwood. 

Heartwood: Rich, dark brown, often with red streaks 

Timber uses: furniture, cabinetry, carpentry, musical instruments (the wood produces a rich, resonant sound), carving, decking, parquet flooring, joinery, turning, veneer, implements. 

Other features: Valued for several medicinal uses; the brown heartwood is resistant to woodborer insects and termites, is durable and has a pleasing spicy fragrance.

Panga panga, Partridgewood 

Millettia stuhlmannii 

Sapwood: Narrow, off white with yellow or pink tinges. 

Heartwood: Yellow, brown to deep red brown, often lack banded. 

Timber uses: Fine furniture, boatbuilding, cabinetry, carpentry, carving, flooring, joinery, panelling, turning. 

Other features: Heartwood highly resistant to fungi and borer attacks. Root used for medicinal and magical purposes.