Rare, threatened and endangered (RTE) species have been identified by LevasFlor, and their habitat preference and locations are known and mapped.  The concession area has a wealth of RTE fauna and flora.  Camera trapping has also assisted in the location and monitoring of such species, like this healthy leopard.   

LevasFlor Forest Management Plan documents protected areas.  The entire concession, 46 240 ha is only harvested very selectively on a 20 year rotation, so the entire concession is effectively a conservation area. 

There are protected areas comprising 2188 ha and riparian buffer zones comprising 4734 ha that are set aside as NO Harvest areas, and this makes up 15% of the total concession area, representing all of the vegetation types.

LevasFlor employs a team of forest rangers who are responsible for patrolling and protecting the forest from illegal activities such as illegal hunting and poaching, cutting of trees and clearing of forest for agriculture.  Camera traps are also used for this purpose.